Mark Ashton on ABC Radio: Call for Labiaplasty Regulation

ABC Radio – Plastic surgeon Professor Mark Ashton calls for regulation of labiaplasty procedures due to botched operations

Jul 22, 2024 | Latest News

In a recent interview on ABC Radio’s RN Breakfast, Professor Mark Ashton, a distinguished plastic surgeon in Melbourne, highlighted a pressing issue within the realm of cosmetic surgery. With growing concerns about the surge in labiaplasty procedures across Australia, Professor Ashton calls for urgent regulation to safeguard the wellbeing of patients.

The rise in these procedures, driven by social media-induced anxiety among young women about their genital appearance, has led to an alarming number of medical and psychological complications. Professor Ashton calls for urgent regulation to ensure that only qualified surgeons perform these procedures, safeguarding patients from the risks of disfigurement and long-term suffering.

Listen to the full 9 minutes at ABC Radio.

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