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Do I Need a Referral?

Nov 15, 2023 | Latest News

Do I Need a Referral for a Procedure? 

Anyone looking into surgical options, cosmetic or medically required likely has a long list of questions, which will be answered during the consultation process. However, when booking an appointment with a plastic surgeon there are processes which must be met first.

Continue reading as we break down whether GP referrals are needed for plastic surgery procedures, and everything you need to consider before starting the pre-procedure process.

For personalised advice, contact Professor Mark Ashton today.

Requirements for an Initial Consultation

An initial consultation is designed to facilitate patients and the surgeon having an in-person discussion regarding potential surgical options available to address patient concerns. The initial consultation will  include discussion of  your personal treatment objectives and outcomes, and the surgeon will be able to guide and advise you of the options available. The surgeon’s advice will be based on their assessment of your objectives and your medical and physical status such as previous surgeries. Generally, the surgeon will also, at this appointment, gain your written consent to take clinical photos for medical purposes. These photos aid the surgeon to explain the surgical options to you.

Recent changes to AHPRA guidelines require you to have a valid referral from your general practitioner (GP) or another qualified healthcare provider prior to your initial consultation with Professor Mark Ashton. Preferably, this referral will be from your usual GP, as they will be able to ensure all relevant and up-to-date medical history is included in your referral. This requirement ensures that your surgeon will be able to fully assess your current physical condition and medical history, to ensure that any procedure options discussed are suitable.

The Importance of a Second Opinion

Obtaining a referral for your procedure helps in ensuring that you’re receiving advice and potential surgery that is right for you, which should always be the top priority of any plastic surgeon. To best achieve this, the Ashton Plastic Surgery approach is to provide a comprehensive, informative, and personalised patient experience. All our initial consultations are conducted in person, with you spending time with Prof Ashton, followed by our practice manager who will walk you through the post-operative requirements to set you up for optimal healing and send you home with an information pack.

We encourage every single patient to seek a second opinion from at least one more qualified plastic surgeon before proceeding with any surgical procedures. This ensures you receive a rounded view of  your surgical options so you can be confident in your decision should you decide to move forward with surgery, knowing you are making the best decision for YOU.

Though referrals and second opinions are crucial, everything comes down to you. The aim is that a full consultation process with both these things included will equip you with everything you need to make an informed decision. Take your time, ask questions, and decide whether plastic surgery is the right next step for you. We always have you attend for a second consultation with Prof Ashton prior to any surgery, and we are available via phone or email should you have questions.

Start the Consultation Process with Professor Mark Ashton

Once you have a referral from your GP, you’re ready to start your consultation process. Meeting with Professor Mark Ashton is just the first step in gaining information on surgical options available to you. You will gain a better understanding of what procedure could be right for you, how your medical history may influence surgical outcomes, and what to expect during your surgical journey. 

Contact Ashton Plastic Surgery today to book your first consultation and start your journey with us.

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